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Souvenir cookie-magnet «Kozulia»


Hand made on Kola peninsula

Made with rye flour,salt and Northern love.

Keep in dry place. Do not eat!

SKU: N/A Category:


Since the 12th century, the Pomorian cookie named “Kozulia” is one of the most important part of ritual feast of the supreme pomor god – Koliada – god of sun. Believed that the magic power of kozulia protects the house from evil forces, brings health, joy and a rich harvest. Kozulia was given as a protective toy to children, given to friends as a wedding, birthday, housewarming gift.

The dough for the kozulia was kneaded by men – believed that their strength drove away the evil spirits, and then all the family make the cookies using no more than 17 cuts for each figure.

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Souvenir cookie-magnet Kozulia

deer-protector, deer-sun, defender


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